Latitude Lights: Solar Powered Lamps Customized to Your Location

Efficient and Stylish Lighting Solution for Every Latitude

Latitude Lights, designed by Nina Edwards Anker, are a revolutionary concept that combines technical innovation and eco-efficiency with sleek design. These solar-powered lamps are 3D printed and customized to the customer's location, optimizing their capacity for electric power generation.

Latitude Lights are not your ordinary solar-powered lamps. What sets them apart is their ability to adapt to different latitudes, ensuring maximum efficiency. The lamp's geometry is updated in a digital file, allowing the tilt of the solar panel to change according to its destined location. By tilting the panel at different angles, the lamp's capacity for electric power generation is optimized.

One of the key features of Latitude Lights is their 3D printed construction. Using 1mm thick translucent polyamide, these lamps are not only durable but also visually stunning. The translucent surfaces glow warmly from an LED bulb placed at the center, creating a beautiful ambiance in any space.

Operating Latitude Lights is a breeze. During the day, the lamp charges itself using the power of the sun. As dusk sets in, the lamp automatically starts glowing, gradually getting brighter until the fall of darkness. It's a seamless and effortless lighting solution that adds both functionality and style to any indoor or outdoor space.

Developed since 2014, Latitude Lights have undergone numerous iterations to ensure their quality and performance. They were presented at the ICFF in New York City and the Hamptons Contemporary Design Fair in Southampton, NY in 2016, garnering attention and praise for their innovative design and eco-friendly features.

Nina Edwards Anker, along with Raphael Walther and Dave Young, has overcome various creative, technical, and research challenges to bring Latitude Lights to life. Combining different technologies and innovations in one small object, these lamps are a testament to the team's dedication to pushing boundaries and creating unique design solutions.

Recognized for its outstanding design, Latitude Lights received the Bronze A' Design Award in the Lighting Products and Fixtures category in 2017. This prestigious award celebrates designs that incorporate best practices in art, science, design, and technology, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Latitude Lights, with their customizability, efficiency, and stylish design, are a true testament to the possibilities of merging art, architecture, design, innovation, and technology. They not only provide functional lighting but also serve as a statement piece in any space.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Nina Edwards Anker
Image Credits: NEA Studio
Project Team Members: Nina Edwards Anker Raphael Walther Dave Young
Project Name: Latitude Lights
Project Client: Nina Edwards Anker

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